Coach, Support & Teach

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Extraordinary times call for unparalleled measures.

We are at a fork in the road and have a choice to either conform to old ways or believe there is something better and become a rabble-rouser for the future.

Imagine a world where women believe in themselves, what miracles could be achieved?

What do I mean by this? We have to get back to some real basics. We need to BELIEVE in our mothers, sisters, and friends when they say they can see the way.

Here are the basics to believing:

B - BELIEVE what she (you, mother, sister, friend) is telling us

E - ELEVATE your conversations; it's time for you to be heard

L - LOVE yourself and those who are telling the stories

I - INTUIT the “stories” you are hearing and make them your own

E - EXPAND the audience by repeating the stories of those who normally wouldn’t be believed

V - VALUE what you are hearing, knowing that it is a precious gift

E - EDUCATE yourself and others about the world of possibilities in which these stories exist

When you believe you become believable.